- Oct 14, 2018“The Cloak of Suffering”
- Sep 30, 2018The Servant Leader
- Sep 2, 2018Cultivated in the WordSep 2, 2018Cultivated in the WordSeries: RootedBased on James 1:17-27James isn’t a book about how to earn God’s favor. It’s a book that describes the heart of someone who knows God has loved them enough to die for them. James 1 shows that the heart of one cultivated in God’s word is one who communicates entirely in loving ways and is humbled by God’s grace in the face of their own sinfulness.
- Aug 12, 2018The Structure of MarriageAug 12, 2018The Structure of MarriageSeries: The Mystery of MarriageBased on Ephesians 5:21-33The roles of men and women in marriage can be a contentious topic. Sin and Satan try to divide us. But when we look at God’s design for marriage we see there is a so much potential for what we can accomplish for the Lord when we live lives of humble service, using our gifts not for ourselves, but for one another.
- Aug 5, 2018“Communication and Marriage”Aug 5, 2018“Communication and Marriage”Series: The Mystery of MarriageBased on James 4:1-3, 11-12Dr. John Gottman noted that 86% of all marriage strife is due to bad communication. James shows us the primary characteristic on ungodly communication and gives us the form godly communication should take.