“That the Blind may See” was the theme of the LWMS convention in 1968. That concept began because a young man in the WELS needed Luther’s Small Catechism in braille. So, the task began for a group of volunteers in the Twin Cities to come into existence for that purpose.
In the 50 years since, with the assistance of volunteers from our local congregations, the Gospel has been shared to those who are visually impaired. Forward in Christ, done monthly, is shipped in cassette, large print and braille to people all over the world. Additional items translated are the Bible, daily meditations, school work, confirmation materials and Sunday school lessons.

Mission for the Visually Impaired has always been funded through the generosity of donations from individuals, congregations, LWMS groups, Sunday Schools and Christian day schools, making it possible for these products to be sent without charge to anyone with visual impairments.
We thank you for your assistance in this effort, and pray that you will continue to keep us in your prayers and in your support.
Support this Mission
The annual budget for this ministry is only $7000 and they are in need of your support! If you would like to volunteer or donate, please contact the church office at 651-263-9167 or WELS Mission for the Visually Impaired at 651-291-1536.
Thank you!