WELS International Youth Rally 2016
June 28 – July 1, 2016
Join other WELS members in Fort Collins, Colorado for this year’s International Youth Rally. Attend workshops on relationships, bullying, making the Bible practical, and battling pornography. There will be nightly music and laughs on stage and outdoor recreation opportunities.
Note: you will need to register for both the Youth Rally and The Bus Trip separately
2016 BUS TRIP TO FORT COLLINS (Colorado Youth Rally)
June 27
2:00 pm – leave from Burnsville; drive through night (2nd bus at 2:15 pm)
June 28
8:00 am – Fort Collins area rafting, or morning hike options; rally check-in
June 29
Rally activities (short mission side trip to Carbon Valley for outreach)
July 1
12:00 mid day – rally closes: leave for Mt. Rushmore & lighting ceremony
July 2
10:00 am – arrive back in the Twin Cities
REGISTRATION FORMS for Bus Trip to Fort Collins (Colorado Youth Rally)
Return completed Bus Trip Registration Forms and payment for deposit to Dan Swiderski
We are looking for 2 Adult Volunteers (1 male, 1 female) who are interested in experiencing the thrill of the Youth Rally and Bus Trip. Chaperones will need to register for both the Youth Rally and the Bus Trip. Crown of Life will cover the registration fees. If this is something you would like to do please email Dan Swiderski at robyndan@hotmail.com