In Old Testament times, worship was very different from what we know today. This Bible study walks us through the major worship traditions, festivals, and laws of God’s Old Testament people. It’s a fitting study to explore during the season of Lent. Many of these traditions, festivals, and law foreshadowed events in the Passion History of our Lord.
Lesson 1 – February 4: The Day of Atonement
Lesson 2 – February 11: Cleanliness Laws and Lepers
Lesson 3 – February 18: The Tabernacle: Part A
Lesson 4 – February 25: The Tabernacle: Part B
Lesson 5 – March 4: The Priesthood
Lesson 6 – March 11: Sacrifices
Lesson 7 – March 18: The Sabbath, The Spring Festivals
Lesson 8 – March 25: The Fall Festivals