Bible Study Opportunities

Sunday Morning    |  9:15 am – WSP    10:15 am – Eagan  | Adult

These interactive studies are designed for adults who want to grow together in their faith by diving into a variety of topics, teachings, videos, Bible books and relevant issues – all from the Bible’s point of view! Come with questions, leave with God’s answers and grow in faith together. Living in the “real world” is often difficult, but this time together studying God’s Word will refresh you, building you up for the week ahead.

Bottom Line   |   6:30 pm  |  Wednesday   |   Eagan Campus  |  Teen/Adult

These Bible studies give students a “final word” or an “absolute truth” to take home with them to carry them through the rest of their week. A great way to break up your week and spend some time with your fellow Christians, these interactive classes explore different books of the bible – with a “take home” (“bottom line”) message at the end. Students have long enjoyed this class for the fun, learning and fellowship that goes on every week!

Mary Martha   |  7:00 pm   |  First Monday of Month  |  West St. Paul Fireside Room

Named after two women in the Bible who loved Jesus and also loved to listen to what Jesus had to say, this Bible study is designed for women today who are just as curious and excited to listen to what the Lord has to say. From biblical teachings to church history to what God has to say about current events – this class covers them all. Ladies, come and join in this unique opportunity to get connected to other women who want to grow in their faith and understanding of God’s Word! 

Senior Teens  |  9:15 am  |  Sunday  |  West St. Paul Fireside Room

Young adults face unique challenges during high school. They need support, leadership, role models, and advice from God’s Word to see them through it. This group has carefully chosen leaders who relate well with young people, organize activities and service projects with them, and lead a topical study of teen issues with God’s Word providing the answers, strength and support for their faith. Being a part of this group is a great way for young people to stay strong together and connected to Jesus during a difficult and exciting part of their life!


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