Many Ways To Serve

Maybe you’ve seen Sylvia around in the past, but if you’re relatively new to Crown of Life, you probably haven’t seen too much of her lately. Last year Sylvia moved out of her long time home in Eagan and moved into The Commons on Marice, a Community of Senior Living. She says, “this was something that was one of the better decisions I have ever made in my life.” her husband passed away in 2015. Moving to The Commons has opened Sylvia’s eyes to different ways she can serve the Lord and make an impact in people’s lives. That’s something she has been doing for many years.
Sylvia graduated with a B.A. in Elementary Education with a minor in music from California State University in Northridge. She was a TWA Air Hostess and a NWA Flight Attendant for many years, but remained involved in education as a substitute teacher. In 1973 she founded Tiny Tots and Little Tykes Pre-School and Child Care Center in her home. It was later housed in area churches, and for 21 years it was housed at St. Croix Lutheran in West St. Paul. Two years ago, the program was able to buy their own building across from Lowes in West St. Paul. For many years she poured her heart and soul into the children and families that came through Tiny Tots. In 2017 she officially retired from the Presidency of the Tiny Tots Board of Directors and now is an Honorary Lifetime Member of that board. Her many years of service there remain in her heart. Concerning those years she says, “Two of the greatest joys are seeing the former students return with their children to enroll in the program and also to see some of the children grow up and go to college and come back to teach at Tiny Tots. That just melts my heart and fills it with absolute joy. It makes it all worthwhile. Never would I have dreamt.”
Even though she has moved into The Commons and is retired, Sylvia’s heart for the Lord hasn’t slowed down. A year after she moved into The Commons, she heard they needed a local church to lead a Worship Service. Sylvia knew her pastors would be up for the task, but one hurdle remained…Who would play music for the weekly services? Sylvia thought to herself, “I have had more time to practice the piano since I moved here.” So… that’s exactly what she did. In her own words, “I practiced my little fingers off!” Now she plays piano for the weekly Tuesday service at The Commons and our three pastors from Crown of Life rotate leading the services. But that’s not all she does. She also volunteers and leads a Sunday afternoon Hymn Sing and Bible Story up on 4th floor in Memory Care at The Commons. “It’s probably the happiest hour of my week! I absolutely love these folks! In addition, I am currently playing piano and leading a 6 week Christmas Carol Sing-along on Thursday afternoons for The Commons residents. The group is really growing each week.”
Sylvia is a great example of someone who has had many changes take place in the past several years, and yet has found different ways to serve the Lord. She never would have guessed the Lord had such amazing plans for her as she moved into The Commons last year. “I began praying each night, right away after I moved in, before I fell asleep…Dear Lord, Thank you for letting me live here. Make me a blessing each day to people’s lives here and help me try to stay well, myself! I just didn’t know what God had in store for me. I’ve learned in my old age, to trust in God’s plan and to have faith for what He wants us to do. I think, for me, the biggest lesson I have learned is that He has a plan for your time and your talents….even when you’re hardly aware of it yourself! I love Proverbs 16:9, ‘In His heart, a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.’”

Mission In Mahahual – Support

Click for video

The mission in Mahahual was self-started. It hasn’t received any synod funding and is flourishing by the support and donations of volunteers. You can learn more at This year Crown of Life School’s Matins’ offering will be going to support the mission in Mahahual. If you are interested in supporting this mission, please contact the Church office at 651-451-3832 or email

Reformation: Grace, Faith, Scripture

In honor of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation, our Synod helped produce the ?lm, A Return to Grace: Luther’s Life and Legacy. As we view the clips from the ?lm, we will deepen our understanding of Reformation history and connect with what our church believes, teaches, and practices today.

Wels Mission for the Visually Impaired

“That the Blind may See” was the theme of the LWMS convention in 1968. That concept began because a young man in the WELS needed Luther’s Small Catechism in braille. So, the task began for a group of volunteers in the Twin Cities to come into existence for that purpose.
In the 50 years since, with the assistance of volunteers from our local congregations, the Gospel has been shared to those who are visually impaired. Forward in Christ, done monthly, is shipped in cassette, large print and braille to people all over the world. Additional items translated are the Bible, daily meditations, school work, confirmation materials and Sunday school lessons.
This team effort begins with pastors recording, staff coordinating, translating, duplicating, address and mailing cassettes. If a braille translation is requested, one volunteer (visually impaired) is dictated the material, types the translation into a computer which is then sent to a special printer that prints in braille. The stack of paper is then packaged up and shipped off. The post office also provides assistance as a package shipped to a visually impaired person requires no postage.
Mission for the Visually Impaired has always been funded through the generosity of donations from individuals, congregations, LWMS groups, Sunday Schools and Christian day schools, making it possible for these products to be sent without charge to anyone with visual impairments.
We thank you for your assistance in this effort, and pray that you will continue to keep us in your prayers and in your support.
Support this Mission
The annual budget for this ministry is only $7000 and they are in need of your support! If you would like to volunteer or donate, please contact the church office at 651-263-9167 or WELS Mission for the Visually Impaired at 651-291-1536. 
Thank you!

Many Paths, Same Destination?

OCTOBER 28, 2017   |   Pastor Zachary Pudlo
Perhaps you’ve heard someone say it before…”There are many paths to God.” This is a Pluralist ideal. One of the cries of secular America is the cry to be inclusive to people of all faiths and beliefs. And anyone who claims there is only one path to God, that there is only one true faith, such a person is arrogant and close-minded. Behind these Pluralist ideas there is both good intentions, and at the same time, exclusive rationality. What follows is an examination of both.
Good Intentions
Behind this “many paths, same destination” idea there are good intentions. The intention is to give equality to all people. Every person should have equal value and equal opportunity to get to the destination of heaven. That motivation for equality for everyone is admirable.
As a Christian it would be hard for me to not admit that Christians haven’t always done the best job of being inclusive. Religions in general haven’t been the solution to peace on earth. And while I sometimes shudder to think about ways that I myself have given Christianity a bad name and have failed to show inclusive love to some people, I also don’t want to turn a blind eye towards the immense good that Christianity has caused in the world (more on that later).
So what do we take away from the fact that there has been so much good and so much bad done in the name of Christianity? Before we answer this question, let’s take a look at the exclusivity behind the good intentions of the “many paths, same destination” claim.
Exclusive Rationality
A few of the underlying thoughts behind this “many paths, same destination” claim are actually quite exclusive when investigated. One of the underlying thoughts is that fundamentally all religions teach the same thing. That couldn’t be any further from the truth. Just take the two largest religions in the world as an example. In Islam, Allah only reserves love for those who “do good” (Sura 2:195, 3:134, 148, 5:93). Therefore, if you don’t fight for Allah, you will not be loved by him. In fact, there are groups of people that the Koran says Allah does not love.
In Christianity, God is love (1 John 4:16). Jesus shows love to everyone, including those who don’t “do good”…the prostitute in John 8, the thief on the cross in Luke 23, the crooked tax collector named Zacchaeus in Luke 19.
What’s the point? Christianity is fundamentally different from Islam and every other major religion. How so? In every major religion, the love of God has to be earned through moral conformity. In Christianity, the order is reversed. God loves us even before we conform. Even more, God loves us and died for us before we even showed an ounce of love to him.
That’s only one difference between Christianity and other religions. We could go on to evaluate the differences in many other areas as well including, where we go after death, how we get there, how to show love to others and many more. And if we were to evaluate each of those as well, we would notice not just minor differences, but large-scale fundamental differences. To say that all paths lead to the same God is being very dismissive of the claims of each religion.
Pluralists also tend to claim that each religion sees only part of reality. The metaphor some Pluralists use to describe the different religions trying to grasp reality is the metaphor of a group of blind men feeling the different parts of an elephant. Each one describes it differently because each one is feeling a different part of the elephant. That’s what many Pluralists will claim about all the different religions. Each religion has only a partial grasp of the entire spiritual picture. The issue with this, however, is that the Pluralist is claiming to have the vision to see the entire picture of spiritual reality.
On its surface it seems inclusive to say that all paths lead to the same place. But upon further examination, it isn’t respectful of the claims of each individual religion. Furthermore, this claim is extremely exclusive in its claim to have the vision to see all of spiritual reality.
An Inclusive Alternative
There are many things that make Christianity unique when compared to other religions, but one difference that seems to significantly stand out is its inclusivity. On its surface it seems exclusive. Jesus himself stated, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” (John 14:6) Many have certainly noted how exclusive sounding that is. Oprah Winfrey has said on multiple occasions, “Jesus can’t be the only way.” While on the surface Christianity may seem exclusive, a further investigation points in the opposite direction. We will see how Christianity is inclusive not only from an historical perspective, but also from a Biblical perspective.
Historically, one could point to the fact that Christianity has been the most inclusive of all religions. Christianity has done more for civil rights than all the other religions combined. Consider how the early Christian church is responsible for the change in how women were viewed. In Roman times women were little more than property. But one of the main teachings of Christianity is the teaching that God has made each person unique and for a purpose. Historically, Christianity has done more for women’s rights than the feminist movement ever has.
Christianity is also responsible for some of the greatest acts of selfless love recorded in history. Julian the Apostate complained that the Christian Church kept growing because of its care for the poor. He writes, “…it is disgraceful when no Jew is a beggar and the impious Galileans support our poor in addition to their own, that ours are seen to be in want of aid from us… Do not, therefore, let us allow others to outvie us in good deeds, while we ourselves are disgraced by sloth.” The Christians were giving so much support to the poor of every tribe and culture that the Romans looked to be slothful in comparison to them.
It is maybe even more notable to consider the care of Christians for the sick. During the plagues of the first few centuries, Christians were the ones to step up and care for those who had no one to care for them. Bishop Dionysius recorded,
“Most of our brother Christians showed unbounded love and loyalty, never sparing themselves and thinking only of one another. Heedless of danger, they took charge of the sick, attending to their every need and ministering to them in Christ, and with them departed this life serenely happy; for they were infected by others with the disease, drawing on themselves the sickness of their neighbors and cheerfully accepting their pains. Many, in nursing and curing others, transferred their death to themselves and died in their stead.”
Many Christians were so willing to care for the sick and dying that they themselves became infected with the plagues and died. Finally, it was the Christian truths that influenced some of the more recent acts of inclusivity. Just consider the Christian influence behind the abolition of slavery, the civil rights movement, or even more recently, the Ebola Fighters being named Time Magazine’s 2014 Person of the Year.
Historically, Christianity has been the most inclusive religion in history, showing no favoritism based on age, race or gender and even risking security for the well-being of others. The reason for this inclusivity has its roots in the Bible. The reader could just look back to earlier in this post where Jesus shows love and forgiveness to the prostitute, the thief and the crooked tax collector, but there is much more inclusivity than just that small sample size. Galatians 3:28 sums it up nicely, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” The first part of one of the most famous passages in all of the Bible illustrates this same point as well, John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him will not parish but have eternal life.” Notice what it says, “The WORLD”. Not “some of the world, or “the good people” or “the inclusive people”. GOD LOVED THE WORLD.
I would encourage those who think that Christianity is exclusive in its scope and claims to consider the exclusive results of Pluralism. On the surface it seems to be inviting and inclusive, but deep down it excludes the 90% of the world that is religious. That doesn’t seem inclusive and it doesn’t seem fair. The greatest test of whether or not someone is fair and committed to being fair is whether or not they make exceptions for themselves.
Jesus didn’t make an exception for himself. He didn’t exclude himself from suffering or death. He chose to accept what he didn’t deserve. And he did that for all people regardless of their race, gender or socioeconomic standing. He got what we deserved so we can be certain that he won’t exclude anyone based on race, gender, socioeconomic standing or any other arbitrary judgment. There’s nothing more inclusive than that.

A Journey for Cruz de Cristo, Mahahual Mexico

image - Cruz de Cristo Mahahual Mexico
My journey to Mahahual, Mexico started in a most unexpected place…praying beside a stream on the Tibetan Plateau. While traveling to a remote school there for a documentary film project, my team became stranded for hours while the road in front of us was literally being finished. With no where to go, and no distractions, I sat and prayed more intently and peacefully than at any time in my life. I asked the Lord to provide an opportunity to travel and serve His Church in a similar manner. And this is how I found myself, two years later, making the four hour drive south of Cancun to Costa Maya Ministries in Mahahual.
image - pastor Mahahual Mexico I met up with Pastor Martin Valleskey at Iglesia Cruz de Cristo, Cross of Christ church, and we headed to Pulticub, a mission outpost in a fishing community 50 kilometers up the coast. As pavement gave way to dirt roads, and dirt roads to a sandy trail, I was struck by the effort that goes into the mission work here. This is Jesus’ Great Commission in living, breathing form. Over 5 million people live in the three Mexican states that make up the Yucatan Peninsula…Cruz de Cristo is the only Lutheran church there and is one of the few churches of any denomination functioning on a daily basis. While the preconception is that Mexicans are devote Catholics, the truth is, at least in this area, that most are unchurched or disconnected from their faith. As we dodge potholes that threaten to swallow our tires, we honestly don’t know if anyone will be waiting when we arrive. But faith comes by hearing, and with so few opportunities to do so, keeping these people connected to Word means making the drive. We are blessed to find two families for Bible study.
Upon returning to Mahahual, we meet a woman with a request. Her daughter is pregnant and needs to see a doctor, could they borrow Pastor’s car to get her there? Pastor agrees. The hospital is a half day’s drive away and he doesn’t know when the vehicle will return. It doesn’t seem to matter. If he can help, he does. Born to missionary parents in Africa, Pastor Valleskey’s heart lies in outreach. Lending his car, driving the extra kilometers, sharing his food or comforting words, if there is an opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ, he does so without hesitation. He is self sufficient, thoughtful, humble, resolved…blessings that steel him as currently the only called worker on the ground in Mahahual. But he certainly is not alone in his efforts.
image - worship service - Mahahual MexicoDeb Blackburn, a North Carolinian by birth, is the local ministry coordinator for Costa Maya Ministries, a gracious woman whose energy is as boundless as her love for Christ. Working in mysterious ways, God used Hurricane Dean to help Deb meet Lynn and Jerry Zimpelmann and in turn bring Deb to faith. The Zimpelmanns, Wisconsin residents and missionaries in their own right, had nearly completed their dream retirement home on a beach near Mahahual when the Category 5 storm Dean pummeled the area. Needing a place to stay, Deb and her husband Hugh parked their RV on the Zimpelmann’s property and helped with the rebuild. The Zimpelmanns held Bible studies with Deb who in time came to faith, and the seeds of Costa Maya Ministries were planted. Mysterious ways indeed!
I joined Deb in picking up kids in the “Kilometer 55” neighborhood, a place of relative poverty. Standing outside the van as Deb honked the horn, I would hear the sound of feet pounding the ground as kids came running from all directions, eager for English lessons and art projects, for the soup kitchen and Bible study. Deb smiles as she mentions they had “37 kids in this van at one time.” The message is clear, the ground here is fertile for spreading the Word.
image - receiving communion - Mahahual MexicoA great deal of my time in Mahahual was spent interviewing members of the church, many in their native Spanish. Working with Pastor to translate my questions, we asked them to share their story of faith. While I have some understanding of Spanish, I’m far from fluent. However, their physical responses bridged the language barrier in a way that mere words could not. Unbridled joy shown on their faces and through their body language as they spoke about the power of the Gospel coming into their lives. As someone blessed to be raised in a Christian household from birth, “hearing” this testimony was rare, raw and inspiring.
image - talking with children - Mahahual MexicoSunday morning comes and Iglesia Cruz de Cristo is abuzz with activity. Children set up chairs. Volunteers from the States make new acquaintances. Kids pour in from the vans outside. The service begins and songs of praise echo into “Casitas” or “little houses” neighborhood where the church resides. Yallo, a man with a weathered face and eyes of deep compassion, stands to read a scripture lesson, sharing the Word with his fellow Mexicans. This is critical. The mission, built by the tireless efforts of Jerry Zimpelmann and countless volunteers, now needs the people it serves to take ownership, to make it their church, to spread the joy they’ve found whenever they go. Watching Yallo as he read, face beaming with pride, there is no doubt strong roots are taking hold.
I think often of our brothers and sisters in Mahahual, of Yallo, Don Santos, Pedro, Balta, Ruby, Miguel and Remedios, of Deb Blackburn and Pastor Valleskey, of the volunteers who so gracious give their time both here in the United States and in Mexico in support of the mission. I pray for the Lord’s continued blessings, but far to often, I need to remind myself to refold my hands and pray not only for this mission, but for those through the world. Places like Mahahual are indeed the “ends of the earth” where people have not heard of Jesus. They all need our prayers, I ask that you join me in remembering them in yours as well.
The mission in Mahahual was self-started. It hasn’t received any synod funding and is flourishing by the support and donations of volunteers. You can learn more at This year Crown of Life School’s Friday morning Matins’ offering will be going to support the mission in Mahahual. If you are interested in supporting this mission as well, please contact Pastor Pudlo at 651-451-3832 or

The Seven Deadly Sins

What are the seven deadly sins? What makes them deadly – or more deadly than other sins? What benefit is there in studying them? And what does Gilligan’s Island have to do with it all!?

Cultivating Seeds

If you’ve ever been to the Eagan campus on a Sunday morning, chances are good you’ve seen Darrell and Liz Isebrand. They have been staples at Crown of Life for the past 4 years, and for 30 plus years at Beautiful Savior before the merger. Darrell has always been one who is good about introducing himself and making guests feel welcome. But what you see on Sunday morning only scratches the surface of the work of this “farmer at heart”.
Darrell describes himself this way, “Gardening has been a part of our family’s history for over 40 years as I was raised on a farm in Iowa in the 50’s & 60’s.” That gardening is still a huge part of his life. Darrell and Liz’s backyard is pretty much entirely garden. “Our garden is about 50’ x 70’ with a large variety of veggies and fruits.”
Every year Darrell spends countless hours cultivating this massive garden. Why? It’s a passion. “Gardening for me is a good form of exercise. It brings me back to the basics of planting seeds and taking care of the new plants. Each seed or plant is like a little miracle.” The produce also gets put to good use. Darrell says, “A good amount of the garden produce is given to the food shelf in Crown of Life’s name. Of course, family, friends and neighbors also get to enjoy the blessings of the garden.” Darrell has made a name for himself at The Open Door, a food shelf dedicated to offering healthy food options to those in need. Several times/year The Open Door sends a thank you card to the members of Crown of Life for the donations of fresh produce.
While this is a passion of Darrell’s, it is only part of the reason why he gardens. Darrell goes on, “There are numerous examples in the Bible using seeds and plants as a comparison to believers and unbelievers. Ultimately God grows the plants. I just take care of them. Gardening is a lot of work but is very rewarding and the quality of the food is great.” It’s this reminder that leads Darrell to also spend time not just in the garden in his back yard, but also in the garden of Eagan (pun intended). There are plenty of souls in Eagan who need care and the water of God’s word. That’s why Darrell also makes regular visits to people who have recently moved into the Eagan area. He visits them after Crown of Life sends them a welcoming postcard in order to welcome them to the area and encourage them to check out Crown of Life if they haven’t found a church home yet.
At his core, Darrell is a gardener. But the garden in his backyard only scratches the surface of the kind of gardening he does.
If you have any interest in making visits to people who have recently moved in to Eagan or West St. Paul in order to welcome them to the area and encourage them to check out Crown of Life, contact Pastor Pudlo. We’re always looking for more ways to reach our community.

The View From Nowhere

August 26, 2017    |    PASTOR ZACHARY PUDLO
If you are an active member of a Christian community you have probably heard many stories about different people’s conversion stories. The stories are often uplifting and memorable not only for the converted individual, but also for fellow Christians. Interestingly, for every conversion story there is probably just as many deconversion stories. I ran across one such story the other day which really stuck with me. A woman who grew up Christian began to face some difficult questions regarding why she was a Christian. These questions led her down a path of research and a quest for truth. What follows is her conclusion after going down a twisted and winding path of disinformation in a quest for truth:
So pretty quickly I decided that my best course of action from that point on was to stick with science. It’s not perfect but more than anything else out there it seeks out evidence and makes that its highest goal. No wishing, no hoping, no faith, no manipulation, no using people’s feelings to convince them of anything. No ancient books, no loyalty to ancient wisdom if it doesn’t hold up, no praying, no ceremonies … nothing is sacred … except truth.
Exclusive Rationality
This woman makes a pretty bold claim, doesn’t she? She is claiming that science has the sole possession of what is true. She goes on in other posts to claim that she is an Atheist and that there is no God. When one makes the claim that there is no god, or that there is a God, they are basing their claim one one of two things. They are claiming that 1) they have a view from outside of all reality and can see all things including whether or not there is a God, or 2) their claim is based on faith and not on proof. There really aren’t any other options. When one makes that bold of a claim they are making a claim of either knowing ultimate reality or simply having a faith.


But there’s a problem with this woman’s conclusion. Tim Keller says it well in Making Sense of God, “Behind many of these (deconversion) stories lies a deeper narrative, that religious persons are living by blind faith, while secular nonbelievers in God are grounding their position in evidence and reason.” Many secular people refuse to explore the claims of Christianity because they assume Christians base their lives on pure faith, while they base their lives on truth and reason. That’s far from the truth.


There are some unresolved issues that come along with the claim that there is no god. First off, there is no proof of this. Even Richard Dawkins, one of the most outspoken atheists said this in an interview and echoes this in his book
The God Delusion: “I can’t be sure God does not exist… On a scale of seven, where one means I know he exists, and seven I know he doesn’t, I call myself a six… That doesn’t mean I’m absolutely confident, that I absolutely know, because I don’t.” Dawkins is an atheist that many other atheists look to as their leader, and even he says he doesn’t know for certain that there is no God.
The other unresolved issue with claiming there is no God, is that there is no answer to some of the most foundational questions for existence as a whole. Many atheists make the claim that Christianity is a cop-out religion because when it doesn’t have the answer to an extremely foundational question about existence, it’s only answer is “because God says so”. However, despite its heavy critique of Christianity, Atheism doesn’t have the answers to some extremely foundational questions as well. In The New Atheism and the Erosion of Freedom Robert Morey makes the point that Atheism doesn’t have the answer to how the following occurred:    
  • Everything ultimately came from nothing.
  • Order came from chaos.
  • Harmony came from discord.
  • Life came from nonlife.
  • Reason came from irrationality.
  • Personality came from nonpersonality.
  • Morality came from amorality.
These are some extremely foundational questions that relate to every human being on earth and their subsequent purpose. And if science doesn’t have the answer to these questions, then clearly it isn’t the arbiter of absolute truth. In short, there really is no “view from nowhere”. There is no way to place oneself outside of reality so as to have a view of all that is true. This includes Atheism.
Vulnerable Truth
The truth is that we all have faiths. Whether Atheist or Theists, we all have beliefs based on assumptions. While that is a similarity between Atheists and Theists, the biggest difference is what the object of our faith is. The object of a Christian’s faith is a God who alone has “the view from nowhere”.
This God who has the “view from nowhere” is the object of our faith. That is possibly the scariest thing and the most comforting thing all in one. It’s the scariest thing because he is outside of everything which means he sees everything. He foresaw all the wickedness of mankind, the way humans turn their backs on him and put their faith in everything but him. He sees the deepest darkest secrets of our hearts, every wicked idea, every narcissistic selfish notion. He sees the crimes of the future. It’s scary to think that there is an all knowing all powerful creator out there who knows every wickedness of every heart. He has every power and capability to start fresh…to create a people who don’t turn away from him. We are vulnerably laid out for him to see us through and through.
And yet having this God who has a “view from nowhere” is still the most comforting thought at the same time. Despite the failures of human beings to treat him as God, despite our turning away from him time and time again, despite the fact that he sees us as we really are, he still loves us. In having his son die in our place God showed that he would rather let his son suffer than let us perish forever. What could be more comforting than knowing that kind of a God is our God. Our hope isn’t in a God who demands morality and devotion. Our hope isn’t in a God who requires payment from us for our failures. Our hope is in a God who sees us for who we are and still lays down his life for us.
Yes, Christians will readily admit that we have a faith…a faith that cannot be proven. That’s a truth. But it’s a far different cry than the claim that science is pure and simple fact and the only absolute truth. “Faith.” Maybe that’s not the answer people want to hear, nor is it the rock solid proof some people demand before they dive into Christianity. But it is the honest truth. Christians are honest when we admit that we don’t have “the view from nowhere”. The same cannot be said of those who claim that science is the only absolute truth and has “the view from nowhere”.


Defenders and Defamers

Lesson 1   |   Lesson 2   |   Lesson 3   |   Lesson 4   |   Lesson 5   |   Lesson 6
Lesson 7   |   Lesson 8   |   Lesson 9   |   Lesson 10